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Enjoy the Journey

"A good traveller has no destination

and is not intent upon arriving."

Lao Tzu

Imagine for a moment that you are on a trip, and the whole time you're gone, all you do is focus on getting to the end. Sounds pretty unsatisfying doesn't it? Although it would hardly be a journey worth taking, if we are honest, we can find ourselves living our lives in the same way; always focused on some goal or destination in the future, convincing ourselves that, once we arrive, we will suddenly find the joy and satisfaction that we are seeking in our lives. Of course, once we finally reach our destination, we find that the feeling of satisfaction fades pretty quickly, and it isn't long before we go looking for the next goal (or destination), to give us a sense of purpose and direction in our life. The problem with living this way is that life is not a destination; it is a journey that unfolds moment-to-moment, and the only purpose there is to it (if there is one), is to enjoy the step we are taking right here and now.

When we enjoy where we are, we discover the wonder and beauty that is all around and within us, and we also become aware of the tremendous blessings that we've already been given. Of course, to enjoy the journey of our life, we need to see clearly that, the future we hope to arrive at - where everything is perfect and happy - is an illusion. Like a mirage in the desert, it does not exist, because the future we hope to one day arrive at is also an illusion. There is no future; there is only Now, and this will be as true in a thousand years as it is in this present moment. The question is; are we actually HERE to appreciate the Now?

To truly embrace the journey of Life, we must learn to appreciate the moment as it is; the up's and the downs, and the all-arounds! We must let go of our habitual demand that life give us something (anything) other than what we have right now, in order to be happy and fulfilled. When we simply relax and drop this demand, we see that we already have everything we need to be happy. We also begin to taste the freedom and ease that all sages have said is available only when we live fully in the present moment. As travelers walking through this amazing play of life, all of us have been given the choice to enjoy the step we are taking right now, no matter what may, or may not be happening. In this we discover the great secret to being happy in this life; that where we are is exactly where we're meant to be. Once we truly know this; there is nothing to do but relax, let go, and enjoy the step we are taking, and the scenery along the Way.

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