Tao Tribe

Spiritual Counseling
In today's increasingly confusing world, we can easily experience uncertainty and anxiety about the direction our life is moving in. If you find that you are looking for a greater understanding or clarity about where you are right now, then spiritual counseling can provide the direction and insight that you're looking for.
It also has the benefit of giving you a foundation of peace and compassion for yourself, from which you can find your way back to the present moment, where all of the answers we are looking for await us as certainly as the breath we are taking right now.
These hour long sessions include, not only discussion, but also a period of deep stillness and meditation, where true clarity and understanding can be found easily and effortlessly.
I am currently doing one-on-one sessions via the Zoom platform.
To make an app, please send a request via the contact page.

"It is no sign of mental health to be well-adjusted
to an insane life."
The Dalai Lama