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Happy New You

As we pass through the doorway of 2022, and into the space of a New Year, many of us are ready to turn the page on what has been another challenging year, to say the least. In our looking forward however, we miss the plain truth of this present moment; that everything right here and now is exactly the way it's suppose to be, and unfolding perfectly for our highest good. No matter how many 'resolutions' we make, or how many goals we set, it will make little difference to the quality of our lives unless we are completely present Here and Now, awake to the freedom and joy that is already within us.

With that in mind, I share with you again, the poem that I have shared the last three years at this time, before the world seemed to turn upside down. The power and profundity of these words are even more relevant and inspiring now, given what we have all gone through the past few years. I offer them to you fresh and new, and suggest that you meditate upon them as you begin a new cycle of 365 days on this earth, and another trip around the sun. Refer back to them on a regular basis throughout 2023; whenever you need a reminder as to what 'New Years' is all about, and where happiness and fulfillment are always found.

I Cannot Wish You...

I cannot wish you good fortune

knowing that good fortune is what you are,

while bad fortune is just a case of mistaken identity.

I cannot wish you all the things of the earth

since earth itself is what you are and that is sufficient,

while all the rest will never be enough.

I cannot wish you the things you want to see

when much unseen is waiting for your denial of mind

that refuses to see.

I cannot wish you strength or courage to conquer

the trials and tribulations of life

because YOU alone are the master of limits and imaginary lines.

I cannot wish you an easy and safe path in all your ventures.

Safe and easy paths are worthy of the unworthy.

I cannot wish you the kind of freedom you may seek.

Life is the proof of freedom; seeking is your prison;

expectations are your guards.

I cannot wish you good health.

The voice within asking ever more provoking questions is your

health: fear that silences you is your illness.

I cannot wish you anything

as long as your life is about having instead of Being.

Maybe New Year's is not about wishes and celebrations at all.

Maybe, just maybe, it is just a reminder about the power

of your state of mind.

What else than your state of mind can make things look

beautiful when, in fact, they are ugly?

What else but your state of mind can make things look ugly

when, in fact, they are beautiful?

Let this New Year's be the New Year in which you choose to be

the Master of your mind and not it's slave.

Isa Morgul

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